“Parenting is the most complex job people on earth face, with the least training and assistance to accomplish it.”

Credit: parentingspiritually.com

Struggling with the demands of parenting?

Are you confident in what decisions you are making, or do you often feel overwhelmed?


Bedtime routines


Eating habits

Sibling rivalry

Although these issues are a normal part of childhood, they often cause parents to feel frustrated, ineffective, powerless, guilty and disappointed. Learning about parenting from a spiritual perspective provides a profoundly different and empowering approach.

I am here to help and guide you.

Changing the way we parent changes the way we live.

Hi I’’m Trish

As a trained and skilled Parenting Coach, I help parents understand what is going on with their children from a larger spiritual perspective. I provide them with practical coping strategies that result in better relationships based on parenting for the child, not the parent and offer choices. My work is based on the book “Parenting Spiritually” by Ian & Pearl Rogers, Director of Sphinx Spiritual.

I am passionate about encouraging children to be independent and helping parents equip them to achieve what they came to do here on earth.

I run Weekly Teaching Groups, 4-Day Parenting Spiritually course, and Coaching (Individual/Group). I also provide Counselling Services for parents who want personalised support in their parenting journey.

My purpose of establishing “The Essence of Parenting” is to provide parents with resources, tools, and guidance for raising children in a spiritual and holistic way. 

Read Trish’s Story Click Here

Parenting Spiritually?

“The paradox of parenting is that it is accepted how important it is, but so little attention is paid to it and so little is taught about it. Parenting is not understood.

To parent spiritually is opting to be in the life of a child to reinforce the child’s development, to help it deal with the grind of daily living, to act as an adjunct to its own powers, and to help steer it towards a journey of ‘higher purpose,’ without unnecessarily meddling in its affairs.”

Credit: parentingspiritually.com

How Parenting Spiritually Can Help?

Why Parent Spiritually?

Our offerings

Weekly Teaching Group

Every week for the period of 5 weeks, I teach components of Parenting Spiritually course.

Parenting Spiritually Course

This 4- day course fills the void of information and support available to pre-parents and parents at all stages of the parenting cycle, providing parents with an ongoing system of support and knowledge.


Coaching with Individuals or Groups at all stage of the parenting cycle. Specific issues the parents face is addressed.

Counselling & Healing

Spiritual Counselling

If you don’t like the decisions, you are making and don’t know how to change that or even why you are reacting the way you know is not best for you or those around you including children and partners -then spiritual counselling can help.

Hahnemann Healing

Hahnemann Healing is a gentle, yet powerful energy healing bought forward from Ancient Egypt. The healing places energy into points on the body where specific emotions are held as blockages.

Unresolved emotional hurts and generational patterns can affect our parenting in such a significant way.

Don’t allow this to hold you back from being the parent you want to be.

“Over the 6 years I have known Trish, I have learnt so much about life, honesty, vulnerability, being truthful, trusting, being yourself, parenting, soul growth, love, humanity, and countless other wonderful things from this inspiring woman.

Trish has become a mentor, as well as a friend to me.

She has a tremendous capacity to love, and she lives her principles with a big open heart. Trish is wise, passionate, compassionate and she always go above and beyond in any task she embarks to take.

I look up to Trish and how she lives her life, and I trust her guidance. She has heart, wisdom, many years of life experience and she has parented more than half a dozen of beautiful souls. I adore Trish and I’m so grateful I have met this amazingly inspiring woman”


“Trish is a wealth of parenting knowledge and guidance. She is kind, compassionate and cares deeply. Trish came into my life almost five years ago when my first born was only a few months old. In the depths of sleep deprivation, I had lost my confidence in my ability to care for this new baby who had turned my world upside down. With Trish’s guidance and support, I re-built my confidence and resolve to parent in a way which felt right for our family, focusing on empathy, respect, understanding and loving boundaries. Every stage of a child’s development brings new challenges and triumphs, and Trish has been our guiding lights through it all”.


There is a reason for your presence here. You are seeking transformation and guidance in your parenting journey. Trust your instincts and follow your inner guidance.

Take Action

Book a time with me to get started on your spiritual path of parenting.
Get in touch now to arrange a complimentary discovery call

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