Spiritual Counselling

If you don’t like the decisions, you are making and don’t know how to change that or even why you are reacting the way you know is not best for you or those around you including children and partners -then spiritual counselling can help.

"Spiritual counselling is a method of intervening in your thought processes to increase your ability to deal with issues in your life."

Spiritual Counselling provides a framework of values. It helps you in understanding the origins of you actions and reactions, your belief systems and where they came from, you are then able to break free from generational patterns that are holding you back from being the parent you want to be and have the relationships with your children that allows them to thrive and have an all-round happier family.

Spiritual Counselling is non-sectarian.

Spiritual Counselling is not for those parents who believe - “it was good enough for me, so it is good enough for them!”

It is only for those who genuinely want to improve their life and thus their parenting.

It is healing, It is helpful,
It is concerting and uplifting.

Credit: sphinxspiritualcounselling.com.au

There is a reason for your presence here. You are seeking transformation and guidance in your parenting journey. Trust your instincts and follow your inner guidance.

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Book a time with me to get started on your spiritual path of parenting.
Get in touch now to arrange a complimentary discovery call

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