Hi, I’’m Trish

      I’d love to assist you in your journey of Parenting For Life

As a mother of 7, I understand the challenges that come with parenting. Growing up in a small village, I was surrounded by a community that cherished the value of motherhood and parenting. There was always excitement when a new baby was expected, and everyone came together to offer help and support. I learned the importance of parenting through the shared stories, experiences, and discussions on child rearing.

My journey to become an effective parent began at a young age, and it continues to this day. Between having my first child at 19 and my seventh at 42, I constantly sought out personal growth courses, humanities studies, healing and meditation courses and philosophy. This led me to bring groups together to encourage inquiry and deep discussions.

Following my 37-year marriage my search for clarity and a deeper understanding of Parenting began. I began studying Spiritual Counselling, Philosophy, Dream interpretation, Hahnemann Healing and Spiritual Parenting. This knowledge has qualified me become an accredited coach and teacher of Parenting Spiritually.

Now, I am here to share my expertise with you. Effective parenting is the single biggest impact on humanity today and moving into the future. I want to help you equip your children with the practical coping strategies that will help them make a positive impact in the world.

By providing an open and non-judgmental space, I offer you the opportunity to discuss your challenges and concerns without fear. Together, we can build relationships based on equality, honesty, and love between you and your children. Let's work together to make a positive difference in your family's life.

The Essence of Parenting” is a one-stop-shop platform for parents who are seeking information on how to nurture their children's physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It is also for those who want to create a loving and nurturing environment for their children to grow and flourish.

Through “The Essence of parenting” I want to empower parents with knowledge and support to help them become the parents they aspire to be, and to create a positive and nurturing environment for their children.


"Trish guides conversations about parenting in a non-judgemental, warm and understanding way. Her enquiring conversation style creates a ‘safe’ space for parents to learn and reflect. Trish's wisdom and advice have given me a spiritual perspective on my son's journey and understanding that sometimes merely being by his side as he navigates his life is all that is needed. I encourage you to participate in Trish's parenting workshops – your child/ren will thank you for being brave and taking that step."

Alicia Nowlan,
Learning and Enrichment Program (LEAP), Casino High School

"I have known Trish for nearly 10 years. During that time, I have watched and listened and been amazed by her commitment to building on her already existing skills and experience. Her expertise in understanding children and working with parents is excellent and she is committed to supporting parents to be the best they can be."

Jill Moore, Professional Colleague